Special massage

Special massage:

Lava Stone Massage - 13 900 HUF / 60 min
Basis of treatment is a special massage technique. Massage is done with warm, flat, smooth volcanic stones. The treatment has good beneficial effects lymphatic and blood circulation, detoxification and helps with energy flow and stress relief.

Lava Stone Massage - 15 900 HUF / 90 min
Basis of treatment is a special massage technique. Massage is done with warm, flat, smooth volcanic stones. The treatment has good beneficial effects lymphatic and blood circulation, detoxification and helps with energy flow and stress relief.

Sports massage - 7 600 HUF / 25 min
The base of this treatment is the swedish massage but it is a more intensive, deeper therapy. The treatment is offered to active or/and professional sportsmen.

Maternity massage - 7 200 HUF / 20 min
Especially for pregnant clients. Decreases the hormonal symptoms of pregrancy, soothes waist pain. Beneficient for both the mother-to-be and the baby. The treatment can only be done from the second trimester onwards.

Dry Brush Massage - 5 400 HUF / 15 min
The full body scrub made by a unique, medium hard coconut fibre brush. During the treatment we scrub off the dead skin, the blood circulation speeds up, the tone of the skin gets brighter, smoother.

Four seasons relaxing massage - 9 600 HUF / 25 min
We use different types of aromatherapy oils based on the current season which leads to complete relaxation.The therapy has excellent effects on the senses and the deep touches help the blood circulation, smoothes the muscles therefore releases the pain and tension.

Wellness massage 50 - 15 900 HUF / 50 min
The treatment starts with a dry brush massage then we use heated aromatherapy oils and a heated towel to release tension and clave the knots.

Manager massage - 7 600 HUF / 25 min
The massage refreshes your body,your mind and dercreases the pain of our waist and back.Excellent for office workers who sit all day long!

Chocolate cream massage - 14 900 HUF / 50 min
Chocolate is commonly known as an aphrodisiac which has got excellent antioxidant effects and slows the ageing down. Chocolate therapy is an endorphine producer that makes you feel in harmony both in your body and soul.

Metamorph massage - 7 900 HUF / 45 min
The metamorph massage is a unique unblocking technique which works on the reflex points of the spine. It is focused on the soft, smooth touches on the hand, foot and face.
During our lives- since our childhood- we are all surrounded by negative psychological effects that are stored in our subconscious.( trauma, shock, love deprivation etc.) We might have already forgotten about it but our mind remembers in the deep as every trauma, shock, pain is stored there. These psychological blocks stop the energy flow and certain areas become weaker.
The metamorph massage stimulates the spine with soft touches on the reflex points on the feet, hands and face and the flow of the energy pushes the blocks out.
We highly recommend the treatment to those who does not prefer the original types of massages.

Massages are also available in the castle building and in the seasonal outdoor massage pavilion!

For information and booking please ask at the reception!