Online package reservation

Arrival Date
Please select the date of your stay!
Selection of rooms, prices
Please select a room and enter the exact number of guests for the calculation.
Personal information
Please fill in Your details for the booking!
Checking the data, send
Please check the data, if everything is ok, send us Your reservation!
Relaxing autumn wellness days
Valid: 1 September 2024 - 30 November 2024
Number of nights included in package: 2 nights - Extension of stay available!
Spend some pleasant autumn days in Zalacsány and fill your autumn with experiences: Relax even in autumn in our wellness department, or even spend the autumn weekdays actively relaxing. Be a part of the change in nature, and enjoy our colorful park with primeval trees during your afternoon walks.

Please select your arrival day!

Arrival: *
Information of online booking
Our colleague sends you the confirmation

Your reservation is not automatic. Our colleague checks and confirms the booking. The confirmation will be sent to you within 2 hours. Please print the confirmation and bring it with you!